Message from the Chairman
Mr John Hillbery Esq
''The Oxford Group's mandate is a vision many decades in the making: Ensuring ethics and positive change within the professional and business worlds. We have created an ecosystem of services for organisations that strive for corporate excellence coupled with governance best practices.
Our vision is to catapult firms and their employees to new heights of success by incorporating our unique trusted Management Philosophy into everything we do - from bespoke tailored training to advisory services.''
Mr John Hillbery has spent over 60 years as a seasoned Financier of international acclaim at a number of senior positions globally. He was the Bank of America’s Global Communications Director and formerly the Director of International Business at The Financial Times.
He was also a trustee of the Cambridge University Overseas trust and Cambridge Commonwealth Trust following his retirement as the Head of Communications at a major International Bank. Further to this he served as an Advisor to The American University Washington.
Early in his career he was a London based stockbroker specialising in the Investment Fund Market and has worked The Daily Telegraph, The Times of London, London First and the State of New Jersey.
He has been a regular visitor and attendee of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland and World Bank Annual meetings over many years.